Monday, February 26, 2007

A new low...

There were swarms of emails going around on Friday in regard to an "urgent" work issue. I wasn't even on the clock, but was checking email and somehow got in the middle of said "urgent" issue. I asked my boss if he could access a particular page on our website. He could not access it. Why? He was responding from his Treo during Happy Hour. The give-away should have been the erratic misspellings and seemingly contained mood (usually this kind of thing would throw him off half-cocked). The highlight of the exchange?? When he replied to all, "If I'm not too hungover, I'll look into this over the weekend."


It's not as mystifying as him coming into a staff meeting with an ace bandage around his wrist one day and responding to our inquiries as to what happened with, "I can't remember. It was one of those black-out kind of nights."

And to think... I considered not returning to work.


F. lost one of his front teeth over the weekend. He lost it in a squirmish in the attic with his playdate. He couldn't find the tooth (still hasn't) and he was worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't leave him $. I told him the tooth fairy would still visit. Just in case, he wrote the following:

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I couldn't find my tooth when I lost it. It's somewhere in the attic if you need it.


Because his other tooth is hanging (sideways) by a thread, it's moved to the center of his mouth. I told him he looked like a Hillbilly. He asked what a Hillbilly is; I responded, "It's someone who lives in the mountains without access to dental care." He responded - dead serious - "Cool."