B: "In which order? Really?"
F: "Elevator first."
F (randomly the night before his trip): "Wouldn't it be cool if i starts crawling while we're gone and right at the same time my fish dies?"
Circle of life, friends.
BP & the kids hadn't been gone two hours yesterday and I dusted the shelves in the living room and cleaned out the coat closet. Sort of makes me long for the days when I'd watch out the window as my parents backed out of the driveway with a cigarette and lighter in one hand and with the other hand I was poised to dial any & all other delinquents to fire the proverbial starting pistol.
So... a coworker of BP's who sent us a phenomenal baby gift just had her own baby. BP asked me to handle sending her something and reminded me she's the one who sent us the phenomenal baby gift. So. I sent him an email w/ a picture of what I'd sent... He responds, "Very cute, thanks."
Very cute? Okay. I don't expect him to get it. But - very cute? I spent 45 minutes looking for "THE" gift - spent more on some dumb baby than I've spent on myself here lately and even paid extra for a glossy Nordie's wrap and bow and VERY CUTE? His friends and colleagues are about to go the way of his dejected parents whom I no longer shop for because:
- a) they're always telling me I'm way too generous and when they say it it isn't in a "but thank God for you" way but a "and you'll be the ruin of my son" way.
- b) I got a lot of thank yous from BP for handling b-days, mom/dad's day, etc... which closely resembled the "very cute" shit I just got. and
- c) quite simply they don't enjoy giving or receiving and I'm all about both.
Very (motherfucking) cute INDEED.
Special shout-out this entry to my friend Kim who turned me on to the Paul Potts video from Britain's Got Talent. I don't have a clue what he's singing but when I see his dear face w/ the chipped crown break into something that's a mix between soulful (from the soul - not James Brown soul) and something a tad run-away I just want to weep. And who is that female judge and why aren't we best friends so she can tell me I'm "a little lump of coal set to turn to diamond" when I'm down... Aw, thanks Kim... love it.