Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Long time no write.

My blog has become my foul-weathered friend! I've had a great couple of weeks that seem only worthy of gratuitous mention (it's been a great couple of weeks - hooray!) and some mega-rage floating around in me that I gotta purge. But first...

Today at 5:30 we're "interviewing" a babysitter/mother's helper. I say interviewing but I think we basically want to make sure she's not wearing an ankle bracelet or that she doesn't give away anything subtle to set off red flags (such as expressing an undeniable hatred for babies, dogs, and/or "the man"). Let's put it this way - we're interviewing her Tuesday and we've already arranged for her to babysit Thursday. She'd have to want to screw this up. By the way, having never really paid a babysitter, when she told me $12/hour I really considered taking her job and giving her mine.

Baby i is getting her first tooth. We knew she'd be pretty wimpy about it so it's no surprise really. But her preferred distance from me lately is cheek-on-cheek. This makes things like going to the bathroom difficult and other things that I can do without but would like to do pretty impossible. Yesterday we spent the day me sitting indian-style holding her while she stood with her cheek against mine whining. The 20 minute morning nap and the 45 minute afternoon nap (while I ran to pick the dog up from the groomers) sure helped rejuvinate me though. I don't know how many teeth exactly we have to go but it's a daunting amount for sure.

F is going through this phase where he treats me like a second-class citizen. I could literally be standing one foot away from him (take this morning for example!) and he doesn't HEAR ME or respond. Everything I say is met with exasperation and impertinence. I didn't think I'd ever want to be on a power trip with my own children but boyfriend is about to get the BECAUSE I RULE OVER YOU & THIS HOUSEHOLD screaming diatribe where I pound my fists and spit all over him. We need to go to our separate corners for awhile. But then he does sweet things like hug his sister and try to calm her down when she falls over and bonks her head on the hardwood floor (oops) and he just seems so sweet... Is it possible we BOTH have split personalities?

I'm already over F's teacher and she hasn't done (much of) anything to us. Really... in your email to the parents welcoming everyone back after track-out do you have to mention that everyone was "talking quite a bit"??? Ick. Ick. It was all I could do not to "accidentally" reply to all saying, "Imagine that... a bunch of 8 year-olds talking a lot..." I'm not humoring her this year. She's got my child flapping yap and all and not only do I not care if he talks in her class I'm glad he's talking there for a flipping change and not here.

See. Told you I had rage.

1 comment:

Blu said...

Tag! You're it! Don't let me down rageful one! Smooooch!

RULES - Post rules before giving the facts - Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves - People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules - At the end of the your blog you need to tag six people and list their names - Leave them a comment on their blog, telling them they have been tagged and not to forget to read your blog.