Tuesday, March 6, 2007

It feels do-able

Yesterday was one of those "do-able" days. I found myself thinking, "I can do this." Why is that noteworthy? Because more often than not I find myself thinking, "What was I thinking? I can't do this." This being work, 2 children, traveling husband, recent influx of company, "budget constraints" and crazy boss. Yesterday was a point for the home team. Some highlights of the day were:
  • picking Baby I. up to be told, "This was one of her best days yet!" Bonus: Missing a bowel movement during said best day yet. (BMs are a bit - heartbreaking - for my little puss bless her heart! We're talking two-hour angst-filled production.)
  • I read... actual CHAPTERS of a book.
  • I cruised a couple of online stores and put things in a basket/cart and didn't buy. Virtual window shopping. Now THERE is a thought. (Confession: there was that one Octopus outfit that I couldn't say no to... but I had a coupon about to expire so technically I HAD to.)
  • I had the perfect opportunity to be insubordinate to my boss and I surprised us both by acting submissive and agreeable. (More bonus points because now my boss is going to have to devote some time this week to new ways to undermine and rattle me! Mwahhhh-ahhh-ahhhh!)
  • I did the 4 o'clock feeding last night! Now if only I could stop talking to BP before and after those feedings I'd REALLY be useful.
  • I had a clean house, a clean dog, clean kids, and a moderately clean husband.
  • I got a baby announcement in the mail yesterday and within five hours I went online and ordered a baby gift. (This was not during the virtual window shopping so it does not count.) Check! No perpetual "Get Baby Gift" at the top of this girl's to-do list! Not only that, but the gift was super cute.

It's a good thing I started today with a slight reserve of optimism since I've been up since 3:45, had three cups of coffee, and feel a bit wilted already.

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