Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Mima Supreme

The in-laws and Mima (BP's Grandmother) stopped for an overnight on the way to visit Susie and they brought along this jewel of a story... Apparently for the past couple of months, Mima has been trying to win Publisher's Clearing House. The story began with how she didn't really take it seriously but she figured her kids could really use 10 million dollars. Even though they told her she didn't have to buy anything to win, she felt it bettered her chances to buy something. She spent $70-some on various items from their catalog (one of which was a Kaleidoscope for F). She talked about how if she won she planned to give her grandkids a million each and $500k to the temple (to which we all balked that temple didn't deserve 50% of what she felt her grandkids were worth but she explained she really wants the temple to have central air conditioning throughout). Anyway, the letters from Publisher's Clearing House really picked up the pace even telling her where they were going to order flowers from locally and what hotel they'd stay in the night before - the local references upped the ante and she got very excited). Well, they gave her a script of what they'd prefer her to say when they came to the door, "I just won Publisher's Clearing House! It really can happen! Dreams do come true!" Now... Mima explained she normally gets her hair done on Wednesday, but Publisher's Clearing House would be coming on Wednesday and she thinks her hair looks better the 2nd day after having it done. So, the week she was supposed to win she went a couple days early for her hair and because she was worried she'd forget her lines, she taped the script from Publisher's Clearing House by the front door. Well, sadly she didn't win (or there'd be one happy Rabbi in upstate New York) but she's taking it in stride. Instead of a lesson in how that demographic gets exploited by these kinds of hoaxes, I'll take it as a lesson in hopefulness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mima sounds like my grandmother except mine loves sending $$ to the Indian Reservations for Thanksgiving Dinners and such..Pat Robertson could sell her ocean front property in Missouri.

I'm glad you're blogging again. I've missed u.
