Tuesday, May 22, 2007

In the dark

The power was out in our neighborhood for a couple of hours yesterday. I caught up on some reading and found myself (finally) invested in my book (The Falls by Joyce Carol Oates) and a little caught up on sleep for a change. After straining to read by candlelight (how did our forefathers and mothers do it!?), I decided to just go to sleep. F was having trouble falling asleep and wouldn't a) go to his room b/c he was freaked out and b) STOP TALKING. So, he came to bed with me under the condition that he wouldn't say another word. In between deep sighs and LOUD gnaws on his rice cake, he finally did fall asleep. I'll spare you the pontifications on how we take electricity for granted b/c instead what I wonder now is why I don't turn everything off sooner and go the heck to bed if it makes me feel so well-rested.

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