Saturday, June 2, 2007

You know you're a dopey parent when...

Your baby wakes you up at 3:30 a.m. and when you can't go back to sleep you use that time to go through pictures and videos of your children. I just sat & watched roughly 45 minutes of video of the tykes even the snoozer class play (sorry 'tis true) I could barely stay awake for when I was there live.

Here's a pic of me and the babies from yesterday! Okay, I just love them.

Our big neighborhood BBQ is today. It sounded SO good in theory two months ago. Now that it's upon me, I don't know WHAT I was thinking inviting 60-some-odd people to our house. I can't even have family for dinner without freaking out and going overboard. To add to it... it's gonna be a long day since the starting shot was fired at 3:30 this morning as I mentioned. There's no turning back now, I suppose. I have to add a funny... Yesterday one of my neighbors called and left a message, "I wanted to know if there's something I could bring tonight. Let me know and otherwise, we'll see you tonight." Now this is our Mormon friend (relative only b/c of what I'm about to tell you) who has FIVE children. So had she not called to ask what to bring and I didn't have the opportunity to tell her that it was in fact not last night, we would have had seven of the Smiths on our doorstep last night! Not a bad thing, per se, but as I told you I can't even handle having family over without ta-doo. (<- Is that how you spell it?) I had to check and re-check our invitation we sent out because I had a moment of, "Holy crud. What if it IS tonight!?"

Anyways... this brings me to another funny... Apparently said neighbor with five children once told BP he looked exactly like someone. ("Brad Pitt?" he asked.) No, someone in Rascal Flatts. BP gave away that after she told him that he went and looked up pictures of the band (Band?? I thought Rascal Flatts was a person!) Of course then I had to look it up, too. Yeah, sort of. Is it because he's a country singer that looks Jewish? Upon further investigation (read: typing in "Rascal Flatts Jewish" in Google) it appears he may be! At least she didn't compare him physically with Matisyahu (Check out his version of "Message in a Bottle" by the way).

My mind is really wandering this morning because somehow I've made the connection from the Rascal Flatts (geez, is it RascaLL Flats? Rascal Flats? Rasscal Flat? I'm tired of looking them back up!) to another funny when my friend Al pulled up to a drive-thru of a drugstore and asked for, "Diet Coke and a pack of Marlboro Ultra Lights, please" to which the pharmacist said, "Um... ma'am... you need to come inside for that. This is the pharmacy drive-thru." Shout-out to my friend, Al. Maybe YOU will understand how I made this connection. (And P.S. - When are you gonna update your BLOG!?)

Oh Gosh - one more Al funny. Al & I used to call everyone "clown" when they'd do something, oh, clownish. Once we were driving and someone ripped out in front of us. We both shouted above squealing brakes, "YOU STUPID CLOWN!!!" We get right to the driver's side of the offending car and 'lo and behold... it was a CLOWN driving... or a person in a clown costume!

Cheers to silly Al and thanks for sending me this for the BBQ today:

♪ BBQ, bless my spirits, I swear it never fails, and the sauce mama makes just stays there forever if you ever get it under your nails.
So get the frown off your face we’re gonna replace it with a mess and a dream come true
Get a pretty girl dancing to jug band music and a mess of Mama’s BBQ.♫
-From Emmett Otter’s Jug Band Christmas

You rock Roanoke & The New River Valley! You're such a major player in those warm, funny memories from wayyyy back when.

In closing... I'll have you know the Atlanta PD *STILL* haven't contacted us regarding our "case." When you hear I've headed to Atlanta just know I've finally decided a life of crime is in front of me. Look, I know we have more pressing things for our law enforcement to worry over, but a simple call to even tell us THAT is in order if you ask me.

She doesn't sleep for shit, but she sure is ca-YUTE...


Kimmah said...

omg, traci. the kids are fabulous, but you? girl, you look like a twnty-something CHILD in those pictures. like the g.d. nanny. smashing!

amd intrigued by the idea of a jewish rascal flatts dude. which reminds me, when we were doing our karaoke thing at school this year, two of my senior boys got up to sing early on and said, 'this song is for you, mrs. w'. problem was, they didn't really THINK before they said it and they were singing 'i melt', which if you've never heard it, is all about having sex basically. yeah, that was just lovely.


oh, and i hope the party is a rip-roaring success. you'll need to take pics to share.

Blu said...

Yum! Yummy yum yum!

And I am not talking about the kids!

(although I could eat them up too!)

Anonymous said...

F & I are just so beautiful, they bring tears to my eyes...but my eyes are already filled with tears b/c I am ROFLMAO at how F caught you giving BP the bird and the whole "turn the page" thing. I needed that before I begin working at 11 p.m. on a Tuesday night. I believe in sexy thang

P.S. - Maybe I need to believe in spell check
P.S.S. - and you're not turning these postings into a book because????????????????????????????????????

Mama All-Star said...

Gracious me, T, you look fantabulous!! How old are you again? Twenty something?? You wear motherhood well.

I am positively rolling over BP and Rascal Flats. You know I had to google an image just to laugh more right?

GIve those kiddies smooches for me.


mamakohl said...

Holy Crap, Mama!!!! Youse sooooo HAWT!!

Okay, I hate all that online jargon. You are smashing, T! I honestly thought that first photo was of your babysitter. No fooling.

And the kids, gah, don't get me started. Adorable!